Mahlon Hamilton
Mahlon Hamilton
Year: 1969-1983
Team: Administrator, Associate Professor, Coach

Mahlon “Hammie” Hamilton laid the foundation for Genesee Community College athletics. He came to the college in 1969 and started the physical education program, serving as athletic director, associate professor, and chairman of the Health and Physical Education Division. He coached basketball, tennis, golf, bowling, and swimming. Prior to GCC, he spent 15 years as a teacher, coach and director in the Oakfield-Alabama Schools amassing five football championships, eight in basketball, three in baseball and two in tennis. His GCC teams earned championship honors in bowling and men’s doubles tennis. He spent many years officiating football, baseball, softball and volleyball. The Genesee Orleans Athletic League named its Sportsmanship Award after him. A 1938 graduate of Avon High School, Coach Hamilton earned ten varsity letters in football, basketball, baseball, and tennis. He played baseball and basketball at Ohio Wesleyan University and earned his M.Ed. from Springfield College. As an Air Force pilot in World War II, he earned four Air Medals and two Distinguished Flying Crosses.