GCC Finishes Second Among Region-III Teams in NATYCAA Scholarship Standings


Genesee Community College was one of just two National Junior College Athletic Association Region-III schools to finish in the top-25 in the Scholarship Division standings kept by the National Alliance of Two Year College Athletic Administrators (NATYCAA).

The calculations are computed through championship appearances with GCC finishing 16th overall in its category. Nine of 22 Region III teams made one of the top-25 lists in the Scholarship and Non-Scholarship divisions with GCC finishing second in the former among all Region-III schools.

In addition to Monroe in the scholarship division, the other seven Region-III teams to appear in the non-scholarship division's top-25 included: Herkimer, Onondaga, Mohawk Valley, Erie, Hudson Valley, Jamestown and Schenectady, respectively.

The results are a testament to quality and caliber of the region that Genesee competes in, with nine Region-III teams appearing in the top-50 when combining both division's top-25.

Genesee also proved to be the most consistently-scoring college of all the nine aforementioned Region-III teams with only a single point differential from last season's totals.

Iowa Central Community College captured the Scholarship Division, while Rowan College at Gloucester County won the Non-Scholarship Division and Mt. San Antonio College took home the State Association crown.